August 28, 2023

Cooperative Voices 101


Let your voice be heard — Cooperative Voices puts you and other fellow co-op members in touch with your elected officials and allows you to stand up and speak out regarding policies and procedures that impact the cooperative world.

Getting involved with Cooperative Voices is easy and doesn’t require any voting in elections or campaigning and can be done entirely from the comfort of your home. To learn more about what our Cooperative Voices group is and how to participate, check out these common questions we receive about the program.

What Is Cooperative Voices?

Cooperative Voices is a group of fellow Poudre Valley members that are invested in policies that impact our cooperative. Poudre Valley REA is a member-owned electric cooperative, and as such, it is our responsibility to ensure that our elected officials have the proper information they need to make effective decisions regarding electric policies. Through Cooperative Voices, our members are able to communicate their thoughts and opinions regarding upcoming policy changes that impact the co-op world. No meetings, traveling to D.C., or direct calling is necessary — we’ll keep you informed on new policies and send over everything you need to have your voice heard by local officials.

Who Should Sign Up For Cooperative Voices?

A Co-op voter is someone who wants to find the balance between what makes the rural areas we serve great while ensuring future generations have access to the affordable, reliable energy they need. They want to help ensure that the ever-evolving world of energy production will be able to keep up with future demands without overburdening the system or members with unnecessary costs. Most importantly, they’re someone who wants to be active in the issues that impact their local electric cooperative.

What Are The Benefits Of Signing Up?

Everyone should strive to have their voice heard. We all have the power to make changes in the world of energy, and by being champions of rural electric cooperatives, we can together provide local elected officials with the information they need to make good decisions and effective policy. You’ll also help build relationships between elected officials and electric cooperatives while also staying informed on what’s going on in the electric utility world.

How Do I Sign Up?

Signing up is easy — you can sign up by visiting our form on our Cooperative Voices page. We’ll provide you with all the tools and information you need to easily contact your elected officials and only call on our Cooperative Voices group when a policy will directly impact our cooperative world and our members.

Where Can I Learn More?

Learn more at, check out our Cooperative Voices page, or reach out to us directly with any questions.
