Where We Serve
Determine if your new service address or parcel number is within our service territory.
Search Service TerritoryWe're here to deliver you reliable, affordable and energy efficient energy solutions that power your new home, business or commercial project, or as you expand your current energy needs.
You’ll work hand-in-hand with our energy experts to connect your new project.
Necessary for new residential subdivisions, industrial and multi-use parks, and other large electrical load requests.
Connect with our team to explore energy management solutions, electrification options, and available rebate opportunities.
Determine if your new service address or parcel number is within our service territory.
Search Service TerritoryExplore your electricity-based alternatives and rebates.
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Pay NowTo ensure a safe, reliable delivery of power, we have standardized our approved MOH processes and specifications.
200-amp services are $750 per lot and 320-amp services are $1,500. The approved meter socket for 200-amp services is the Milbank U4801-XL-5T9 with lever bypass. For questions on alternative 200-amp sockets due to supply chain issues, contact us directly. We will continue to supply 320-amp service meters. The proper height installation for PVREA sockets is 5’6″ to the center of the meter. Any socket not within 6″ of this height will not be approved.