July 24, 2024

Irrigation 101


Irrigation members of Poudre Valley REA have a different rate class than other members. As irrigation members typically use more energy in season, typically April through September, rather than in other months, understanding how to reduce energy when possible can help keep energy bills in check.

Additionally, irrigation members require specific forms to be filled out. These forms can be found here: DR-1666 & W-9. These forms can be filled out & returned to our office or mailed to us. If you’re unsure whether or not you have these forms on file, you can contact us, and we’ll be happy to check.

Resources Available To Our Members

Energy Audit, Solar, Renewables, & More

Our Energy Resources department here at PVREA is your expert on managing your energy. With a variety of programs available to help manage your energy usage year-round, our energy experts can help you find the right solutions to your energy needs.

Have questions about rooftop solar, home energy efficiency, and electric vehicle information? Our energy experts are happy to help you with any energy questions you have!

Rate Information

Irrigation members use energy differently than most members — during season, irrigation members use a hefty amount of energy to ensure their operations can run smoothly but slow down usage during the off months. For example, from April through September, irrigation members will see a ‘Facilities Charge’ on their bill, whereas through the rest of the year, they won’t.

Additionally, it’s important to understand demand charges and how they impact your bill. Using lots of energy at one time will result in a higher demand charge. If you can spread out operations throughout the day, effectively lowering the highest amount of energy you demand from us all at once, you can potentially see savings on your monthly bill.

Be sure to view our rates, fees, & charges page for up-to-date information on rates & more information regarding minimum and maximum charges, conditions of service, and more.


As a Poudre Valley REA member, you have access to a variety of rebates, including heating & cooling rebates, outdoor power equipment rebates, & appliance rebates, and more. Whether for your home or business, these rebates can help reduce costs associated with a variety of items, allowing you to better spend that money elsewhere.

If you have any questions, contact us, and we’ll be happy to help with any questions you may have!
